G.T. 20/20: Doom Meeting

The year that nullified holidays, birthdays, franchises, and hypocrites. What’s with the screaming banshees? 2020 has been a pretty good year – it all depends on how you look at it.

Public schools were the first to close, and despite the fact that very few children actually died from the Coronavirus alone, they still haven’t reopened. The initial giddiness of a snow-day-like-closure became a depressive dread of torturous Zoom meetings. And what was once the concern for the safety and health of our children is now a political standoff with children’s education as the casualty. After all this time off, there is no going back. These teachers are going to find that out the hard way when and if they decide to show up for their paycheck like the taxpayers do. Enough with their Doom meetings. At this point, I don’t care if they ever go back to work again, we got our own thing going.

Like sleeping until 6:44 am. Having time to eat a healthy breakfast and leave a healthy lunch in the fridge for the homeschooling teens. They haven’t learned a damn thing since March, so in turn, my teens have taken to reading the news. The real news, not the media. Remote lessons, if anything, exposed the content for what it is: malleable disinformation.

For a while, there were restless nights and the feeling of uncertainty. Then it occurred to me to view 2020 as 20/20 (perfect vision) and suddenly it was hey, good things have happened this year. All this negativity, hatred, and lies made us focus on the miracles we’ve been overlooking. To Hell with the squeaky wheels. If they fall off the wagon, so what? We’re not getting anywhere with them anyway.

Good. Thing. 2020


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